By: {Your Name Here}
Replace this content with at least 1 paragraph about icons. It can include technical details about what icons are and how they are made. It can include the purpose of icons on a page. Any other introductory information would be appropriate here.
Replace this content with information about the different ways you can add icons to your web pages.
You may include technical details like code snippets (Try using the <code>
to display any sample code that you want in your essay -- look at the HTML of previous activities
to see good use the <code>
tag and related CSS).
You may include information about the advantages or disadvantages of the different methods.
Make good use of the emphasis and strong tags (<em>
and <strong>
and also CSS to help with formatting.
You may include any other details that will help readers understand web icons.
You should probably replaced the H2 heading that says "Details" with a more descriptive heading, based on the topics you chose to write about in this section.
Write a short conclusion paragraph to finish your essay. It can include a review sentence about your main ideas from the details section, a reference to statements you began with in the "What Are Icons?" introduction section, a personal opinion about web icons, and/or another summary statement appropriate for the topics you chose to write about earlier in the essay.
Hands-On Icons Activity (in class)
If you used any other resources like informational web pages or 'borrowed' code snippets, include a URL inside a paragraph in this section for each one. Remove this paragraph when finished.