Unit 1: Navigating and Designing for the Web
U1L1: Browsing Concepts
U1L2: Principles of Web Design
U1L3: Viewing Source Code
Khan Academy Video: HTML Basics (4:43)
Discussion/Demo: Viewing and Inspecting HTML Code
Discussion/Journal: Pages v Sites
Extension Activity: Source Control
U1 Activity: Useful URLs
Follow Along: Copy the starting code.
Follow Along: Add a Useful URL to the list.
Discussion: Which URLs do you want to add?
Independent Practice: Add 3 more Useful URLs.
Testing: With a partner, test each other's links.
Follow Along: Submit the Final Copy of your Useful URLs.
U1 Exam: Review and Assess
Review this unit's concepts with this page, including the short activities.
On the day of the exam you will receive instructions for completing it.
Unit 2: Intro to HTML
U2L1: What is HTML?
Review: Form of a Basic HTML Tag
Practice with a Partner: Write a Poem
Discussion/Journal: What is HTML?
Practice Independently: Update Useful URLs Page
Code Review: Test the Useful URLs and verify HTML nesting/indentation
U2L2: Using a Template and Tags
Khan Academy Video: Text Emphasis (2:04)
Khan Academy Challenge: Text Emphasis
Interactive Practice: Parts of HTML Tags
Follow Along: File Management with a "Templates" Folder
Re-Usable Code Sample: HTML Template File
Follow Along: Copy and Comment the HTML Template
Unit Activity: Begin Part 1 of My Web Elements Project
U2L3: Choosing Appropriate Tags
Follow Along: How to Read the W3Schools HTML Reference
Worksheet: HTML Tags
Discussion/Demo: Annotated Design
Practice With a Partner: Annotate two of these five designs |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Journal Entry: What is a Code Review and Why is it Useful?
Unit Activity: Begin Part 2 of My Web Elements Project
U2L4: Testing and Debugging HTML
Follow Along: Download and Fix the Kittens Project
Practice Independently: Add the
Tidy Tool and
to Useful URLs (use them on it, too!)
Code Review: A partner will evaluate your Useful URLs with the checklist.
Unit Activity: Begin Part 3 of My Web Elements Project
U2 Activity: My Web Elements
U2 Exam: Review and Assess
Review this unit's concepts with this page, including the short activities.
On the day of the exam you will receive instructions for completing it.
Unit 3: Intro to CSS
U3L1: What is CSS?
U3L2: Fonts and Text
U3L3: Borders for Block v Inline Elements
Exploration: Block v Inline Elements
Follow-Along: Need-to-Know Border Properties
Practice Independently: Download the files with instructions for Borders and Colors
Journal Entry: Choose 1 CSS Border Property
U3L4: Selecting Specific Elements
U3L5: Designing with Color
U3 Activity: The Power of CSS
Download the files: Power of CSS
Instructions: Unzip and then open the HTML file for step-by-step instructions.
U3 Exam: Review and Assess
Review this unit's concepts with this page, including the short activities.
On the day of the exam you will receive instructions for completing it.
Unit 4: Images
U4L1: Choosing Appropriate Images
U4L2: Editing Images
U4L3: Images for Content and Style
U4L4: Specialty Images
U4 Activity: Capstone Bibliography
U4 Exam: Review and Assess
Review this unit's concepts with this page, including the short activities.
On the day of the exam you will receive instructions for completing it.
Unit 5: The CSS Box Model
U5L1: Box Model Properties
U5L2: Box Sizing and Reset Styles
U5L3: Centering Methods
U5L4: Positioning and Layout Basics
U5L5: Applying Icons
U5 Activity: Develop Page from Given Design
U5 Exam: Review and Assess
Review this unit's concepts with this page, including the short activities.
On the day of the exam you will receive instructions for completing it.
Unit 6: Hyperlinks and Data Structures
U6L1: Intro to Hyperlinks
U6L2: Special Hyperlinks
U6L3: Lists
U6L4: Tables
W3Schools Tutorials: Tables (including all Exercises)
CSS-Tricks Article: Table Guide (test all of the CodePen samples)
Mini-Project: Recipe Page Instructions and Design
Refactor: Capstone Bibliography Page
Discussion/Journal: Types of Data
U6L5: Additional Data Structures
U6 Activity: Improve My Web Elements
Full Instructions: My Web Elements Instructions.
Part 4: File Management and New Pages
Part 5: Update Navigation and Style
Part 6: Cleanup and Testing
U6 Exam: Review and Assess
Review this unit's concepts with this page, including the short activities.
On the day of the exam you will receive instructions for completing it.
Unit 7: CSS Layouts and Response
U7L1: Positioning Review with Layering
U7L2: Mobile-Friendly Design
Discussion/Demo: What makes a site mobile-friendly?
Practice with a Partner: Device Widths Report
Discussion/Demo: Google's Mobile-Friendly Testing Tool
Standards Update: Code Review Checklist
Journal Entry: What is Mobile-Friendly Design?
U7L3: Media Queries
U7L4: Constructing Grids with Floats
U7 Activity: Implement a Site Design
U7 Exam: Review and Assess
Review this unit's concepts with this page, including the short activities.
On the day of the exam you will receive instructions for completing it.
Unit 8: Capstone Projects
- Students will apply their cumulative knowledge from the course in the development of a multi-page site.
- Students will analyze an aspect of web development in a short essay accompanying the project.
- Students will revise and improve their work through multiple “draft grades” according to a rubric.
Overview Document
Quick Details
The Overview Document includes information about the 4 phases of the project,
the grading rubric, helpful lists of CSS selectors and essay topics, suggested timeline, and more.
When in doubt, look at this document for ideas on what to do next.
You will NOT be provided with step-by-step instructions. The purpose of the project is to
apply knowledge and skills you have already learned throughout the course.
Your teacher may suggest additional tasks for goal-setting and time-management.
These activities will depend on the level of the class, available time, and a variety of other factors.